The ultimate dark web monitoring platform

24/7 monitoring and protection against cyber threats

What is Onecom CyberProtect?

Onecom CyberProtect is an advanced security platform that continuously monitors the dark web for compromised data, alerting businesses in real-time to cyber threats.

Cutting-edge detection technology, threat intelligence mapping and comprehensive reporting make it the leading business platform for protection against malicious activities.

Threat intelligence

Dark web monitoring provides valuable threat intelligence

Offering insights into emerging cyber threats and attack patterns, our platform helps organisations stay ahead of cybercriminals and adapt their security strategies accordingly.

Real-time alerts

Instant breach notifications for fast action against cyber attacks

  • Impersonation - name and contact details
    Lightworld industries

    4 mins ago
  • Suspicious domain
    Web domains

    28 mins ago
  • SSN Alert
    Search query

    1 day ago
  • Compromised credentials
    Account information

    3 days ago

3D threat intelligence mapping

State-of-the-art 3D Threat Intelligence Galaxy Mapping

24/7 monitoring

Our platform searches non-stop for stolen credentials on the dark web

Discover all features

Discover the powerful features that set our dark web monitoring platform apart.

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Empower Your Business

Enhance Security, Reduce Risks, and Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats

  • Stay one-step ahead. Remain ahead of the curve by detecting threats and breaches early

  • Reduce risk. Minimise the potential damage to your business from malicious attacks

  • Cost-effective protection. Our platform is the best solution on the market for protecting confidential data

Global Data Breaches

The latest research and real-world data

Understanding the impact of data breaches on businesses is crucial for building a robust cybersecurity strategy.

Of UK organisations have experienced a data breach accident at least once a month, this year alone.
4 in 10 businesses
And a quarter of charities report having cyber security breaches or attacks in the last 12 months.
Companies out of business within 6-months of a breach
108 days
Companies using automation contain data breaches 108 days faster

Arrange a free consultation

Select a convenient date and time to speak to our expert Cyber Security Team

At Onecom we are committed to providing our customers with the tools and resources needed to navigate the digital world safely, and our Cyber Security team are on standby to discuss how you mitigate risk or cyber-crime and protect your business.